Running for CAMHS Bedford
Whole School Charity

Linking to the Girls Leadership Group focus on mental health and wellbeing; a group of Upper Sixth students and staff from BGS will be running the Hitchin Hard Half Marathon (5km, 10km and half marathon distance) in aid of The Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) Bedford.

CAHMS provide vital services to help young people in Bedfordshire who are suffering with mental health issues. The service works to provide patients with a greater knowledge of their condition and improve coping techniques.

Mrs Woolley (Biology Teacher) adds: “The idea for running first came up in an A Level Biology lesson when we were discussing how we manage exam stress. The girls who are running in the event (and a few others, who are away for the event) have been training together before school on a Thursday – throughout their study leave to help get them ready for the day, giving them some headspace, perspective and clarity of mind.

“Hopefully the experience might also help them to contend with the stresses of life as they move beyond school too and I know the staff who are running have been energised (and occasionally exhausted) by their training. We decided that CAHMS would most fit with the aims of the run as they provide mental health services to young people in our local area.”

Your donations will certainly help motivate the group going over those last few miles, donate here.

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Running for CAMHS Bedford