Autumn LRC Events
Junior School LRC

Picture - Book Fair 2019.

Ms Rogers (Learning Resources Centre Manager)

This term has been an exciting time for the school’s library service. We have recently celebrated Black History Month, National Poetry Day and National Libraries Week. This half term, we will be celebrating National Non-Fiction November, Diwali and promoting a Fire Works inspired poetry competition.

National Non-Fiction November aims to promote readers passion for information and facts.

This year’s theme is The Planet We Share. It reflects on the widespread concern for our beautiful planet. Using non-fiction books to help explain and explore these problems can help children to understand why we need to protect our planet and find solutions for these problems.

In addition to our usual displays, reading promotions and competitions, we are delighted to announce we will be hosting our annual Junior School Children’s Book Fair from Travelling Books, in a new and exciting virtual setting. This allows us to celebrate our love of reading and the excitement of a selecting a book, in a Covid-safe environment.

Copies of our wonder book sale catalogue, full of exciting reads for children as young as two through to young teens will be available this week. Our School will earn Rewards entitling us to free books on money raised as a result of the sale. All funds raised support the LRC and are used to purchase new library book stock.

We would like to thank all our parents for their continued support and hope that the girls enjoy the variety of resources, competitions, and events the library supports and promotes.

Follow the live updates @BGS_LRC here.

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