Musical Dance Workshop
Senior School Performing Arts

By Miss Bream (Teacher of Dance and Coordinator of Co-Curricular Dance)

During the last week of term, Co-Curricular Dance students from Years 6 to 9 took part in immersive workshops based on the musical Matilda.

Delivered by Mike Denman, a former West End performer and choreographer, our Years 6 and 7 students were inspired to learn snippets of repertoire based on Revolting Children and Years 8 and 9 were happily encouraged out of their comfort zone to learn a Salsa styled short piece of choreography based on Loud.

Energetically delivered, Mike inspired our students to work hard, create, perform and most importantly have lots of fun.

At the end of the evening, both students and parents were impressed and appreciative of Mike’s efforts, talents and encouraging teaching.

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