Recycle, Lead, Inspire
Junior School Eco and Sustainability

By Mrs Whomsley (Head of Year 5)

We are delighted to introduce our Spring Term Eco Reps. Each class has voted a representative for their class to work together on environmental issues the pupils choose to focus on. This term much of our work will be around recycling activities to keep reminding everyone to dispose of their rubbish responsibly.

The club provides a voice for the pupils on ways to contribute positively to the environment, whilst developing leadership skills, teamwork and inspiring a sense of global citizenship. Through the actions of pupils raising awareness, it empowers them to take responsibility and to take proactive steps towards protecting the planet by implementing practical solutions within the school community.

JSLG Eco Rep, Amy, said: “It’s really important for people to know about Eco and take action at school towards issues such as littering. We only have one world and we need to take care of it!”

We will be holding assemblies and sending updates on our Instagram page @bedfordgirlseco to encourage the whole school community to get involved.

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Recycle, Lead, Inspire