IB Art Students Armed with Drills
Art and Technology IB

On Thursday 27th April, the IB Visual Arts’ students and Miss Nelson visited The Higgins Art Gallery & Museum with the task to assist the curator, Victoria Partridge, in the hanging of the new summer exhibition: Romance & Rebellion: The Art of the Victorian.

Armed with laser measures, measuring tapes and drills, the girls were set to work selecting, positioning and securing the paintings to the walls of the exhibition. Mia Armstrong and Harriet Knights (Year 12 IB Visual Art students), had the enviable experience of handling a painting by J.M.W. Turner, a print by Aubrey Beardsley and pencil sketches by Edward Burne-Jones.

The students threw themselves into the task of selecting, measuring and hanging the art works and it was easy to recognise traits familiar to the IB learner profile in the way they worked independently and collectively as: inquirers, risk-takers, reflective practitioners and communicators. They did not shrink from the opportunities awarded to them – measuring to 0.5mm the exact space needed to hang the works, drilling holes, attaching screws to the priceless works of art in order to secure them to walls, and it is this first-hand experience that will prove invaluable when they hang their own work for their IB submission next year.

The exhibition will open to the public on 6th May 2017 – 17th September 2017. For more details, click here

View exhibit images on our Flickr gallery here.

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IB Art Students Armed with Drills