At Bedford Girls’ School, we aim to provide as many opportunities as possible for all students to develop their skills of leadership, irrespective of personality and character type.
We believe that the value of ‘boldness’ incorporates honesty and strength of character and we encourage all students to be unafraid of sharing their convictions when faced with moral or other dilemmas. This boldness, when blended with sensitivity to others in an imaginative way, can allow students to lead others in a positive way.
A more public and overt form of student leadership can be found in the appointment of our Head Girl and her team. These students, along with the House Officials, act as role models for the rest of the school. Those Sixth Form students who are not elected to the teams of the Head Girl or the House Officials are also given leadership opportunities; they influence others in many ways, for example, as tour guides for visitors to the school during the year, directing and offering opinions and advice to parents on Open Days, assuming responsibility for subject specialist student forums such as the English Society, which is led by students from each of the four Sixth Forms in the Harpur Trust, and leading whole school assemblies. Junior School pupils are encouraged and supported to be responsible for their own actions and possessions.
By developing leadership skills at the earliest opportunity, the students develop a sense of responsibility whilst care, consideration and respect for others are fostered. Form and Deputy Form Captains are elected each term and these pupils assist with the smooth running of their forms, liaising with their peers and members of staff, as required. Students in Year 6 are voted by their peers and staff to be a member of the Junior School Head Girl’s team representing the School at both formal and informal occasions. Year 6 pupils can also stand for election as a House officer and many of them take on additional prefect roles, such as preparing the Hall for morning assembly, running the school stationery shop and being on hand to help and assist during break or lunchtimes.