School policies are essential, not only do they provide a structure to make sure we always provide the best possible care for all members of our community, but they also importantly offer a common framework which binds us together and helps to ensure that our vision and ethos are consistently upheld in all that we do.
Our policies are regularly updated. If you have any questions about any of our policies please contact the Director of Finance and Operations, Mr Martin Scoble on 01234 361900.
A record of the number of formal complaints made in the preceding academic year can also be requested from the Director of Finance and Operations.
Discipline and Exclusions Policy
Harpur Trust Overarching Safeguarding Policy
Junior School Positive Behaviour Policy
Relationships and Sex Education Policy
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
Safeguarding Policy - Multi Agency Support Hub
Safeguarding Policy - Multi Agency Support Hub Enquiry Form
Safeguarding Policy - Keeping Children Safe in Education