Our pastoral programme includes the delivery of PSHE in timetabled lessons throughout the school. This includes topics of Personal and Social Health and Sex Education, together with Careers and Citizenship Education.
Throughout the subject our aim is that we encourage self-awareness, self-understanding and independence of mind. We encourage girls to have the self-confidence to make their own decisions and to take responsibility for their own actions. We promote the physical, spiritual, moral and social welfare of our students.
The subject is structured to ensure that our pupils have the information they need to make sensible decisions in their personal lives and know how to, and where to, find such information and understand the support systems which are in place, both in school, and outside of school, to support them if they are facing difficulties. We structure the course to cover topics relevant to the age and develops over the years.
Through these classes the girls have the opportunities to engage in discussions that that will influence their perceptions, attitude and behaviour and will ensure that they become sensitive to the fact that discussions and viewpoint will be influence by cultural and social factors.