At Bedford Girls’ School, we are dedicated to widening access and supporting our local community. Each year we offer financial support to parents of academically strong pupils, who would otherwise be unable to afford the fees.
Bedford Girls' School welcomes bursary applications for the Senior School and Sixth Form from parents who require financial assistance for their daughter to join us or remain with us.
The School Awards Committee has a finite sum available to award to pupils at their discretion. However, due to limited funds available, meeting the criteria for financial assistance is not the only prerequisite for receiving a bursary.
Students will be assessed on their academic performance, demonstrated in the entrance assessments and their school reference, before a decision on the level of assistance is made.
To enable us to help as many applicants as possible, we do not award scholarships, but rather focus our available funds on providing means-tested bursaries to the most academically gifted.
Applying for a Bursary
If you wish to be considered for financial assistance towards school fees, then please contact our Admissions Team on 01234 361918 or email: [email protected] for a bursary application form. The bursary application form for the academic year 2025/26 will be available from September 2024. Please contact the Admissions team at this time.
Bursary application forms need to be submitted online to The Harpur Trust by 5pm on Monday 2nd December 2024 at the latest. We regret that applications received after this date will not be considered.
Receiving a Bursary
The decisions on bursaries are made once a year as part of the Spring Term main assessment period. If you are awarded a Bursary, information regarding the level of assistance that may be available to you will be contained in the offer letter, which is sent out in the second week of February.
We are unable to offer any other form of financial assistance at other times of the year.