The House System is designed to embody the values and ethos of the school and it is integral to building a positive strong sense of community at BGS.
The Houses
- Austen (Red)
- Hepburn (Blue)
- Chanel (Purple)
- Nightingale (Green)
- Franklin (Yellow)
- Parks (Orange)
Allocation to Houses
All students and every member of staff are placed into one of the six houses on entry to Bedford Girls’ School. The vertical grouping of the House System from Year 3 all the way through to the Sixth Form encourages student engagement across year groups and offers support and inspiration in addition to fostering a sense of family and belonging.
The Houses meet as a group once each fortnight with planning meetings and assemblies organised by the Sixth form House Prefects and each staff Head of House.
Celebrating individual and collective achievement through experiential learning.
House Events
The house events encourage healthy inclusive competition in a challenging but supportive environment. There are a number of flagship events including:
- House Drama
- House Talent
- Junior and Senior sports days
These are supplemented by additional challenges and competitions which include:
- Bake offs
- Debating
- Art and design challenges
- Pancake races
- Snow sculptures (weather permitting!)
Many of the competitions are student led with staff acting as facilitators. Whilst the House events are joyful and full of fun they also provide opportunities for students to develop key skills including curiosity, creativity, flexibility and resilience.