We know that many of our parents are juggling busy lives and we try to help make it simpler by offering supervised wraparound care provision available at no additional cost.
Breakfast Club
From 7.30am to 8.25am, the Breakfast Club is available for Junior and Senior School students in the Hospitality Suite in the Senior School. It is supervised by our catering team. Breakfast food and drinks are available to the students who can pay with cash or card on the day.
Junior school pupils attending Breakfast Club will be escorted to the Junior School at 8.30am by a Junior School teacher.
Junior School After School Care
The Junior School Late Room is available every day from 4.00pm until 7.00pm and is supervised by three members of Junior School staff. Once your daughter has registered her attendance, she has a short break outside, weather permitting, before coming in to relax or complete her homework.
Should your daughter still be in the Late Room after 6pm, she will be escorted to the Senior School After School Study Room (in the Learning Resource Centre) where she can wait until 7pm.
It is not necessary to pre-book this facility; your daughter should inform her class teacher during morning registration whether she will be attending the Late Room. It is always helpful if a message confirming your daughter's attendance is written in your daughter's diary/planner.
You may of course contact the School during the school day to inform the Junior School office that your daughter is to attend the Late Room and the message will be relayed to her and her class teacher.
Senior School After School Care
The After School Study Room is open to all students between 4.10pm and 7.00pm. The environment is perfect for personal study or for quiet relaxation while awaiting collection. Parents can arrange to pick up their daughter at any time before the study room closes at 7.00pm. There is no charge for your daughter to attend the After School Study Room.
There are no additional charges for your daughter to attend Breakfast Club or After School Care.