English Forever at BGS
Whole School Event

Bedford Girls’ School held its second ever English Forever Week over the past seven days, featuring readings, competitions and prizes.

With the celebrations due to end tonight with a performance of Gothic Tales by Redheart Theatre, the week began last Friday (6th November) with a poetry reading competition for Years 7, 8 and 9.

On Monday (9th November) there was an all-day reading of Harry Potter, as teachers and students alike took their turn to tell the story of The Chamber of Secrets. The Sixth Form added a dash of colour to proceedings as they wore Harry Potter fancy dress.

The following day involved a University Challenge-style English House quiz for Years 11-Upper Sixth, with Hepburn beating Parks in the final 7-5, while on Wednesday there was a Spelling Bee completion for Years 7, 8 and 9 in a packed LRC.

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English Forever at BGS