On Thursday 14th September, Year 10 made the trip up to Edale for an adventure-based and team bonding residential. Based at one of the highest residencies in the Peak District, the YHA Edale, the girls were involved in many risk-taking activities, which involved elements of teamwork and building self-confidence.
Abby McCulloch (10SCJ) thoroughly enjoyed the experience and adds: “Caving was my favourite activity as it involved squeezing through tight gaps underground, walking through water up to my knees and moving around on my stomach to go underneath and through rocks. Edale really pushed me out of my comfort zone, allowing me to do things that I never thought I would be able to do. We have been placed in new form groups for Year 10 and Edale was a great way of getting to know my new class. I came away with great memories that we can all share and laugh about as we start our GCSEs together.”
Katie Sohl (10SCJ) loved the confidence building activities, she adds “I felt that I became closer to everyone in the year because the activities brought all of us out of our comfort zone. Even though some girls were more confident than others, I feel that we all helped and supported each other. My favourite activity was rock climbing because it was an actual rock face, which made it a little scarier, but definitely more fun.”
View a collection of photos here.