Mrs Childs (Head of Year 6)
Our Year 6 pupils have embarked on a new enquiry-led project with the central idea ‘People throughout history have developed Global Trade’. The girls are investigating key questions such as How has trade changed? What is the link to other things? Why is global trade like it is?
From looking at parts of logos and stores around the world, the girls realised that people in other countries would recognise the same products.
Initial ideas and questions raised included: How many people had to travel to get what was needed? Were slaves involved and if they were does this still happen? When did the global supply chain begin? If we didn’t have global trade, what would the world be like today? Why is there a special trade connection in Europe? What items used to be traded compared to now? How have companies like Amazon changed trade?
The girls will now plan their project in detail, pulling together previous knowledge, and will consider what criteria a successful project will have. They are very excited to collaborate, work independently and to make decisions about their learning.