The Changing Place of Bedford
Sixth Form Geography

Mrs McPhail (Geography Teacher)

On Tuesday, the Lower Sixth A Level Geography students undertook fieldwork in Bedford as part of their Changing Places course, which requires an in-depth study of two areas, one distant and one local.

Starting on the Embankment behind BGS, the girls made their way through the High Street and via Midland Road towards Queens Park.  Along the way, data was collected and observations were made.

The changes that are happening in our own town are very visible and the Riverside North development as well as new stores opening in Bedford town centre provided plenty of opportunity for comment and discussion.

The final stop was at the Higgins Museum where notes were taken from the fantastic Somewhere in England exhibit, which highlights how Bedford’s history has shaped its future.

The girls will be looking at statistics to add a further layer to their findings. Once again, the geographers brought the sun out as you can see from the pictures on our Twitter updates.

Follow all the latest updates @BGS_Geography here.

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The Changing Place of Bedford