Silver medallist inspires at Rowing Ball
Whole School Rowing

Mr Wells (Director of Rowing)

The 2018 Rowing Ball (Friday 1st February) was an excellent celebration of all rowing past and present, the girls were treated to a circus themed event with a hotel function room being imaginatively transformed into a stunning circus tent by hard working volunteers from The Friends of BGS Rowing Club (FBGRC). The girls were joined by parents, staff and alumnae for a memorable evening.

This year Olympic silver medallist Jessica Eddie, spoke to the girls about her route to the top of the Olympic field over 12 years. She talked about the resilience, determination, self-searching and reflections that brought about her success in rowing. Her messages about how she face her weaknesses and brought the crew together by listening, helping and being there for each of her crewmates really has an impact on the audience who were inspired by her experiences.  

The coaching team highlighted the successes of the Year and  the following awards were given to Years 9 to Upper Sixth:  

Award Winners:

Captain of Boats - Emily Baker (Upper Sixth) received the Mick Deards trophy. This is the award, which was donated last year by Mrs Bruce in memory of the legendary Mick. The award is for the one girl who epitomises the ethos and ideologies of BGS rowing and this certainly goes for Emily. She puts everything into every training session. She is a terrific role model for the girls and has been and continues to be an exceptional captain.


Year 9

Top Performer - Aimee King. Amy has worked hard and maintained her position at the top of the squad from the first test to last one this term.

Most improved - Leah O'Reilly. Although taking a little more time to get to grips with the technical, aspects of the sport Leah now well and truly on the way.

Club Person - Saffy Oakley Holton. Saffy has developed her coxing to such a high level that it has enabled each of her crews to work exceptionally well together.


Year 10

Top Performer - Rachel Gibb. Rachel has continued to produce some exceptionally high performances and is currently top on the percentage rankings and as such is current school champion.

Most improved - Ruby Sear. Ruby just started rowing In September but she has already beaten many of the other girls and put herself second on the ergo and a position for selection for the Year 10 A boat.

Club Person - Tamara Oakley-Holton. Tamara has not only shown significant progress in coxing but has also been the outstanding Year 10 student, ensuring she is not only looking out for her own crew but all the boats in the whole school.  



Top Performer - Kharis Megezh-Morrison. Kharis has continually smashed all high targets, which we put before her.

Most Improved - Eloise Toone. After spending two years as a cox, she has developed her skills both physically and technically so that she can row on any side in any boat in any position 

Club Person - Olivia Ames. Olivia has just been so incredibly supportive of not only her crewmates but also the younger girls she coaches as part of the Lower Sixth coaching development programme.

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Silver medallist inspires at Rowing Ball