Mrs Redford (Head of Speech and Drama)
Our Summer Term came to a close with a magical production of The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame, adapted for the stage by Mike Kenny, which was performed and crewed by girls in Years 6 and 7. It was joyous to see the girls bringing their commitment and energy to the Studio Theatre and we shared some truly memorable moments as each one of them immersed themselves in the world of the play.
This production also saw several girls from Years 9 to the Lower Sixth, who have been learning and developing production skills over the year as part of the weekly Theatre Crew activity, take lead design, production and mentor roles.
This included, Anna Hull (Year 11) as Costume Designer, Emily Polhill and Laura Ellis (Year 9) as Sound Designers, Holly Sanders (Lower Sixth) leading on Prosthetics and Make-up and Velvet Few-Wiegratz (Year 10) supporting younger girls in her role as Wardrobe Mistress.
The collaborative teamwork on display was impressive with the whole production team working efficiently with each other to ensure the story came to life imaginatively. We were very proud of them all and as new friendships were made and respect for the many roles involved in bringing a play to the stage was embedded, they will, we are sure, go on to build on this invaluable experience in their future theatrical ventures.