Miss Elsom (Drama, Theatre and Events Technician)
As part of the GCSE and A-Level courses, students are required to review a performance of live and/or digital screenings of theatre productions. So when the chance arose to take our Year 10 GCSE and A-Level Drama Students to see the NT Live screening at The Quarry Theatre of the fantastic One Man, Two Guvnors starring James Corden, it was too good an opportunity to miss.
The play is based on an original 18th Century Commedia dell’Arte play The Servant of Two Masters by Carlo Goldoni, and involves a fabulously physical series of ‘Lazzi’ wonderfully executed by James Cordonn. This style feeds very well into the exploration of theatre practitioners at GCSE and A Level and was the perfect opportunity for the girls to see the skills and techniques in action by this award winning production.
The girls and audience were roaring with laughter from the comedic improvisation and music performances from both the live band and performers on stage.