Practising Interview Skills
Whole School Careers

Mrs Lowe (Head of Careers)

This week, the Upper Sixth students were invited to sign up for a mock interview in preparation for university interviews.  The mock interviews were a conversational exercise intending to resemble a real interview as closely as possible. The purpose in mind was to allow for nerves and mistakes to be made within a safe setting, and to practice answering questions related to their chosen degree choices and their personal statements.

On Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, we were joined by professionals, (an assortment of parents, alumnae and friends of the school) willing to offer their time and experience to our girls. We asked the interviewers to not go easy on them and to give them supportive feedback and constructive criticism afterwards.

This emulation of a university interview led to nerves and excitement from the girls but they all presented themselves very well. A range of interviews took place; Chemical Engineering, Midwifery, Graphic Design, Biology, Drama, Dentistry, Veterinary and Medicine. Feedback was positive and the main encouragement and suggestion from interviewers was to source more knowledge; background reading and engaging with current affairs and new technologies in the areas they are pursuing.

A special thanks to all our guest interviewers.

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Practising Interview Skills