BGS Supporting Movember
Whole School Community

Kirsty Stark (Head Girl Prefect)

On Monday morning, the Senior School welcomed four Upper Sixth students from Bedford School to our assembly to talk about their ongoing Movember charity campaign. In support of this campaign, they do not shave for a month. Just as a pink ribbon symbolises breast cancer awareness, the resultant moustache serves to raise awareness of the health issues that men face - particularly testicular and prostate cancers and mental health difficulties.

During their assembly, the boys explained that male mental health deserves recognition because it is inextricable from physical health. Too often, men also feel unable to seek help for their health struggles due to a perceived social stigma, or due to a lack of provision for male health issues: there are far fewer charities aimed specifically at mens’ health than female health. This is why the boys felt it was so important to bring the Movember message to the BGS community, the boys said: “It is highly likely that girls may be the ones that boys talk to about their mental health and wellbeing. We hope that this assembly will initiate conversations about mens’ health within the school community and further afield, with students bringing the messages of the Movember campaign home with them.”

The 75 Bedford School Sixth Form students taking part in the campaign this year have raised £4770 thus far, including £104 from the BGS staff and students. Many BGS students performed at the Bedford School Open Mic Night event on Tuesday evening, the proceeds of which will go to the Movember charity. The laudable efforts of the boys (they have also produced a parody of a Drake song and will hold a Peaky Blinders themed fancy dress event) are reflected by their ranking as the school, which has raised the second largest total for the Movember charity.

Donations are very much welcome, click here.

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BGS Supporting Movember