Mrs Pullinger (English Teacher)
As part of providing pastoral care for our students, paying attention to the present moment and alleviating stress, BGS has been offering a Mindfulness Club since the start of this academic year. We feel proud to offer a safe space where students can relax and take some time out from their busy and demanding lives.
Throughout the last term, we have engaged in numerous activities, including modelling playdough, colouring and bracelet making. We have also taken the time to complete some written activities; students have drawn balloons, written their worries within them, and then metaphorically ‘let them go’. We have also created ‘Thought of the Day’ diaries, which students took away and completed over the holidays, in order to encourage them to make use of the five senses and take notice of the wonderful world around them.
Mindfulness Club has been particularly popular with year seven but we do welcome students from across the school and hope that some of our older girls will take the time to come and relieve some of their exam pressure by exploring Mindfulness!