Mr Ellis (Duke of Edinburgh Manager)
Pictured: Sophie Parry and Bryony Fleming (Upper Sixth)
We are delighted to announce that BGS has been presented with a Gold Volunteering Award from the Duke of Edinburgh's (DofE) Operations Officer. The award is in recognition of our sixty participants who have contributed 1326 hours of voluntary service to the local community. A huge well done to all students involved and to all those who are contributing their own time, often above and beyond what the DofE award scheme requires.
Although winter is the DofE quiet season from an expedition perspective, the girls keep busy by working hard to ensure the other three sections of the award (Skills, Physical and Volunteering) are being completed.
The school will be looking to have its annual DofE Awards Evening towards the end of February. The Awards Evening coupled with the excellent volunteer work of the girls will provide an extra impetus needed for those close to completion, to acquire the final assessor signatures and upload the evidence needed to gain their awards.