Celebration of Learning
Junior School

Mrs Childs (Head of Year 6)

On Friday 6th March, Year 6 had their Celebration of Learning morning where parents visited the classrooms. The girls were very keen to take on the ‘expert’ role, showing and discussing all their learning in and around the classroom.

After watching documentaries the girls had made about scientific advances, parents considered which invention had the greatest impact on people’s lives. They also read Year 6 Sci-fi stories and alien descriptions.

The current Unit of Inquiry, The changes people experience at different stages of their lives affect their evolving sense of self, included writing recipes for happiness, making lists (a round tuit), discussing and sketching fears and answering Conversation Cards. The video, What makes me, me? provided opportunity to consider change. The classrooms were very busy and the girls enjoyed seeing the responses given by their special visitors, comparing these to their thoughts.

Pupil reflections from the morning:

Olivia – “It was interesting to see what our parent’s fears were because we always think they are very brave and we don’t realise that they have fears too.”

Bella – “I liked how we showed our parents what we did and they got to do their own version. It was fun to compare them.”

Maisy – “It’s really fun being able to show our parents what we have achieved during the term.”

Millie – “It was nice to show our documentaries and get their opinions on the questions we have been answering: What qualities do you look for in a friend? What makes you unique? What have you changed your mind about recently? What is your favourite way to feel calm?”

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Celebration of Learning