Mrs Whomsley (Head of Year 5)
During the extended lockdown period, the girls continued to amaze us with their resilience and determination to follow the lessons and challenges we set to them. The girls quickly adapted to learning from home and impressed us with their focus and commitment to online lessons. Ironically, our first Unit of Inquiry delved into the history of technology and how modern technology impacted on life today, which was particularly relevant in the rise in the use of IT and our increased dependency on it. However, it also allowed the girls time to reflect on their personal use as well as reaching out to extended family members and interview them to draw comparisons of how we are living during this unique time.
In their second Unit of Inquiry, the girls showed their maturity and empathy about the world around them as we considered our impact on the world around us and their independent studies were a credit to their creativity and communication skills.
It has been wonderful for the Year 5 team to welcome back nearly the whole year group to celebrate our final two weeks of being in Year 5. Although there was much fun to be had during our Google Meets – particularly during our Fun Friday Form Times with the various dressing up challenges - it is so special to spend time together again in class and to watch them play in the school gardens once more. The girls have quickly adapted to their ‘new normal’ routines of being socially-distanced and regular hand-washing and it is wonderful to hear their excited chatter and laughter in the classrooms as we reflect on our year’s learning together and finish the year as we started the year, together. Mrs Baker, Mrs Thomas, Mrs Inkson and I couldn’t be prouder of the Year 5 girls.