In previous editions of the Community Edit newsletter, we announced a streak of successes in Oxbridge competitions. Here is a quick summary of these outstanding achievements:
Two of our incredible Lower Sixth students reached the national finals of the prestigious Unsung Heroes of Science award. Organised by Hertford College, University of Oxford, the girls each produced a two-minute video about forgotten scientists from the past!
Shreya Arun highlighted how Gertrude Elion broke through the ‘brick wall’ for women in chemistry, and placed third out of the 56 entries. She also won the runner-up prize in this year’s Audience Award for the most-watched video. Watch here.
Nikeisha Patel produced stop motion video is about Ignaz Semmelweis, the early pioneer of antiseptic procedures. She won the Audience Award, amassing just over 18,000 views so far, wow! Watch here.
You can view the winning entries here.
Talented musician, Eloise Toone (Lower Sixth), who was awarded third place in the prestigious Newnham College Essay Prize for Music. Run by the University of Cambridge, the competition pits Lower Sixth female students against each other across a number of subjects. Eloise received her award at a virtual prize giving ceremony on Saturday 4th July.
Creative writer, Karissa Singh (Lower Sixth), has had her poem published in The Litmus: Writing in Common project. Organised by Trinity College, Cambridge, the writing initiative invited students in Years 9 to Upper Sixth to submit an artwork and/or 500 words in poetry, prose or any other format that considers the phrase ‘In Common’. You can read Karissa’s poem here.