As we all settle back into the new routines at School our Headmistress, Mrs Gibson answers questions from our community; this week we focus on our current Co-curricular plans.
When will co-curricular activities start and what are your plans?
Our co-curricular programme is an integral part of school life and has traditionally been developed in a way to encourage collaboration across year groups and classes; we have therefore had to reconsider all aspects under current restrictions.
We decided to take a staggered approach to the reintroduction of clubs and activities. This was partly to ensure that we can deliver them safely and effectively, but also not to overwhelm the students in the first few weeks of term, as they will be tired.
Paid for co-curricular Dance, Music, and Speech and Drama lessons will recommence from the week of the 14th September and Departments have already communicated their plans with parents and students. Our offer has been revised to fit within our Bubble approach, but I am extremely pleased that we are able to deliver an extensive range of lessons and classes across all of these areas.
The PE Department has also developed a comprehensive programme of before school, after school and Saturday morning sport, so that each Bubble has the opportunity to participate. We will continue to look at how we can extend our provision as we move through the term in line with guidance from government or sports governing bodies. If your daughter is in the junior school and wishes to participate in a Saturday sports session an email will be sent to all parents in the year group with a wufoo reply for parents to respond. For students in Year 7 upwards you daughter will be able to sign up on a google form that she will have received from the PE department to confirm her attendance. For lunchtime and after school sessions students can register direct with the member of the PE department at the session.
Will sports matches resume?
Under the current guidance, schools are not able to offer inter-school sports matches, so we will continue to focus on developing technique and fitness, so the teams are ready to perform once restrictions are lifted.
Will there be early morning swimming?
Some co-curricular clubs, such as early morning swimming are more difficult to deliver as it involves cross Bubble groups and there is not enough time in a week to facilitate individual sessions for all of the Bubbles across the Junior and Senior School. The PE Department will keep looking at solutions as we are keen to get our swimmers in the water as much as possible.
What other lunchtime clubs will be offered and when will the students know about them?
Staff are currently revising their clubs so that we can deliver them in a safe way, and to offer a range of opportunities to different Bubbles. Students will be told about clubs over the next couple of weeks and will sign up directly in school.
Will the Duke of Edinburgh Awards programme still go ahead?
Yes, our new Duke of Edinburgh Manager, Mr Farrell is meeting with students and helping them move ahead with the skills and volunteering side of the programme. We are planning on running outdoor training and practice expeditions during the October Half-Term holidays. Mr Farrell will be sending out more details shortly.
Will CCF run this year?
CCF is proving particularly challenging as we share the delivery of the programme, as well as the resources needed for the training activities, with Bedford School. It also crosses over a number of Senior School year groups, and involves three distinct disciplines; it is therefore not as simple as relocating the training onto our site for the BGS students. I know it is extremely disappointing to our students who are part of the CCF, but at the moment we are unable to get the regular programme up and running. We are coordinating with Bedford School to try to find a solution and Mrs Axford will keep in touch with students involved.