Mrs Mason-McLeod (Director of Sport)
Although Saturday morning fixtures and training sessions have been cancelled due to the current lockdown restrictions, this has not deterred the PE department in keeping the students active. Last Saturday, we trialled various sports challenges, which encouraged the girls to enjoy the fresh air and most importantly have fun! Challenges included the best stick/ball trick across either netball, hockey, lacrosse or football.
Many students enjoyed a virtual rowing workout, Miss Bruce (Director of Rowing) reflected: “It was a very popular session on Saturday with over 50 participants joining in with our no-equipment, body weight circuit. We were very impressed with efforts shown and hope to continue these sessions for all the girls every Saturday morning during lockdown enabling all the girls to continue with their exercise.
“The sessions involve a full body workout that will compliment and improve fitness across all sports at BGS and will give all girls the chance to stay active on a Saturday, replacing your normal weekend training or adding to your weekly exercise.”
The virtual sports challenges have been extended to Monday 16th November. Make sure you share your best video here. Instructions have been sent to you via email!