Mrs McKinnell (Music Teacher)
We were very proud to share our latest remote Junior Teatime Concert this week. The video of our students performing is a real celebration of the devotion, which so many girls show towards learning an instrument/voice.
A variety of performances is on offer, from flute duets and solos, to an unaccompanied clarinet solo, as well as singers and pianists. The event is a joy to watch as it is evident from the performances just how much the girls love their musical learning and take pride in what they do. These events are so vital to the girls in terms of giving them real goals to aim towards in their practice, and a chance to share with their friends and family what progress they are making on their instruments which can be such a confidence boost.
Many thanks to all the Visiting Music Teachers involved, including Alison Davies, Emma Howard, Lesley Brazel, Rhonda Browne, Bethany Remfry, Nicola Littlemore and David Williams without whom such events would not be possible. We hope this concert inspires other girls to try out learning an instrument/voice, and we hope that you will tune in for a listen here.