Mrs Cruse (Head of Years 7 and 8)
As the Autumn Term draws to a close, it is time for Years 7 and 8 to reflect back on what they have achieved. All girls have written reflective statements looking at something they have achieved and how next time they would do something different and from whom they will seek advice and guidance. This term as we have come back together as a community it has been really important to focus on mental health and well-being and we spent some time reflecting on what we have learnt as about ourselves this term. As part of this programme all of the students have participated in regular well-being walks, and I have been really impressed by the way they have worked as a year group and been respectful to members of the public whilst we have been out by the river, moving to the side to let them pass and they have greeted them with a friendly smile or ‘Hello’
The students also all took part in service afternoons, where they wrapped presents and made cards to be delivered to families in need through the Bedford Open Door service. It was a joyful enjoyable afternoon which also provided them with the opportunity to reflect on what they were thankful for this term.
As we look towards the Spring Term, I am looking forward to enjoying more chats with the students during our well-being walks, and launching our projects to research and celebrating the many different cultures of Years 7 as well as remembering the incredible impact of Black Culture on British History since 1945 with students in Year 8. Mr Williams (Head of Learning Support) and I will also be working with the students to help them develop brain-friendly techniques to aim learning and revision.