Mrs Martin (Head of Year 3)
Year 3 have been super busy in their final weeks of online learning. Every year, Miss Coote and I set the ‘Make a Cup of Tea’ Challenge, that many girls who attend Brownies or boys in Cubs or Scouts, have the opportunity to work towards. With the guidance of an adult, the girls have loved this challenge. We have had some really positive messages from grateful parents! Life Skills that we hope they will continue to master, especially with Mothering Sunday just around the corner.
International Day of Women and Girls in Science was marked looking at women who have made a positive contribution to STEM subjects. The girls were excited to make their own Mission Patches.
On Friday as a culmination of their understanding of how nature is a cultural stimulus for creativity and enjoyment, Year 3 enjoyed presentations from all girls. We had such a variety of forms of expression, from dancing to art. We were blown away with the connections and depth of their understanding. Well done girls on such a fabulous half term of learning! Have a look at some of their designs HERE.