Looking for some Easter recipes? Our Green Kitchen have got your springtime baking covered with a delicious spring lamb and Easter themed cookie recipes.
Happy Easter from all at Green’s and we look forward to seeing your photos of your cookie creations.
View the delicious Easter lamb recipe HERE.
Easter Cookies
Butter shortbread
4oz Caster sugar
8oz butter/Dairy free margarine (softened)
10oz Plain flour sifted
1tsp Vanilla essence
6ozIcing sugar
Fondant icing
Gel colours of choice
- Put on the oven at 180 degrees.
- Cream the butter with the sugar until creamy.
- Add the vanilla essence.
- Add the sifted flour to form a soft dough, do not over mix as this will make the dough difficult to work with (known as too short)
- Wrap the dough in cling film or in a polythene bag, allow the dough to rest in the fridge for around 20 minutes.
- On a lightly floured clean surface, roll out the dough, turning each time to ensure an even thickness and to ensure the cookies cook evenly, the cookies can be between 2 to 5 mm in thickness. Cut using Easter style cookie cutters and place on a baking tray with baking parchment/ greaseproof paper.
- Cook in the centre of the oven until golden brown, turning the tray after around 8 minutes to ensure even cooking, total cooking time is approx. 12 minutes.
- Leave the cookies to cool on a wire cooling rack.
- Add a little cold water (a drop at a time) to the icing sugar until this forms an icing, divide into four and add colour to each accordingly to your requirements. The icing should be able to holds its shape and not be too liquid in consistency, if this is the case add a little more icing sugar.
Option one: Pipe a small amount of white icing around the edge of the cookie and then add the colour icing inside of these lines, this is called flooding.
Option two: Roll out the fondant icing, using icing sugar to ensure it doesn’t stick to the surface and rolling pin, using the cookie cutters to form the shape of the cookie and you can decorate with the piped icing to define detail if required.