Miss Coote (Year 3 Teacher)
Inspired by STEM week, the Form Heads and Student Voice Reps decided to run a Women in Science art competition. They worked together to introduce the competition to the rest of the Junior School via an online assembly, posters and examples.
The reps were then given the responsibility to identify the finalists for the competition, with the six winners getting the opportunity to display their work in frames in the Science room as part of a permanent display. We were so impressed with both the quality and quantity of the entries and it made choosing just six really hard!
Below are some quotes from the winners about why they chose their Woman in STEM:
Clover White (Year 5): “The reason why I chose Jocelyn Bell-Burnell is when I first heard about the competition, and I realised I wanted to do someone I had never heard of, that’s when I found her. I was doing a little bit of research to try and find a really interesting not-as-well-known female scientist when I came across her, and when I tried to find out a little bit more about her, the work she did really inspired me.”
Ranya Asif (Year 5): “I chose Joy Crisp because she is a planetary geologist and is specialising in Mars geology with NASA which I find very interesting and she inspires me a lot.”
Sarrinah (Year 5): “I have chosen Debra Fischer since I found it so interesting how she is a teacher and an astronomer; I also found interesting how she had found over hundreds of exoplanets.”
View the Women in STEM designs HERE.