Mrs Whomsley (Head of Year 5)
From cleaning up oil spills to counting food miles, the girls in Year 5 have been reflecting on how their choices and behaviours can impact on the environment.
Last week’s Earth Day was an apt moment to start our new Unit of Inquiry Sharing the Planet. We began by investigating how we could clean up an oil spill whilst protecting the animals living in the ocean. Through careful collaborative planning and using a range of resources to replicate the tools used in real-life oil spill disasters, the girls observed first-hand how devastating the impact is.
We have continued looking at how our lifestyle can affect the environment whilst researching the foods that we eat by looking at food miles and how our foods are made as well as discussing other products we buy. We then explored the resources used to produce these items and how they are transported to the shops and our homes. Through reflecting on these initial investigations, the girls have already been inspired to consider what actions they might take to reduce our impact on the environment and how they might inspire and encourage others to take action too.