Meet Nova!
Senior School Computer Science

Mr Potter (Director of Digital Strategy)

The Computer Science department have built an association with the EUREKA Robotics Lab at Cardiff Metropolitan University who research into different strands of robotics, from AI, robotic healthcare to social interaction.

Cardiff Metropolitan University have hosted Zoom talks and mentoring sessions for our students and they were really interested to show the research that happens at degree level. As a result of this and the fact that robotics and AI are going to form a huge part of our students' future, we wanted to build on our robotics provision and we have invested in the JD Revolution Humanoid Robot, which our Year 11 robotics team have christened Nova.

As a humanoid, Nova is capable of a range of movement similar to that of a human. Nova also carries an onboard camera, LED lights and software capable of machine learning and AI. Nova can be programmed in a variety of ways where students can create their own programs or download pre-built templates to edit.

Our students will look to test the capabilities of Nova over the coming weeks, so keep an eye out on social media for updates HERE.

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Meet Nova!