Mrs Cruse (Head of Years 7 and 8)
After a year of missing trips and so many fun activities, we decided to give the Year 7 students a Wellbeing Day, where they could spend time with their friends and mix with others they have not had the opportunity to spend time with.
On Wednesday, the students set off at at 9am and the sun was shining during the walk to Cople Fields. The laughter and chatting made the walk fun and set the overall aim of the day to enjoy each other’s company. Upon arrival and after a short break, the students played a game of rounders in their forms. The highlight for many of the students was watching the staff getting involved!
The students then worked in their Houses and were challenged to create a House Dance inspired by their Inspirational female their House is named after. They had unique moves and they really worked as groups thinking about their dances.
After lunch, they were all mixed up again and were set two challenges inspired by British sculptor, Andy Goldsworthy. They enjoyed a perspective photograph challenge and it was so much fun listening to them giving instructions to get their photographs framed to perfection. They then had to use nature to create the school’s Eagle and each group really rose to the challenge. The day was finished with a scavenger hunt.
The sun was kind for us, it was great to get the students out again on a School and we are very much looking forward to taking the Year 8’s on their Wellbeing Day next Thursday.
Holly Stuart (Year 7) said: “‘I think that our trip to Cople Fields was a great chance for us to all relax and get outdoors in the fresh air, to spend time with other people in year seven, and to take a calming, enjoyable break.”
Reyah Rizwan (Year 7) said: “We enjoyed a lot of fun activities such as form rounders, house dances, treasure hunt, perspective photos and even creating the school logo out of natural materials. Overall, I enjoyed the day and we have the teachers to thank for this!”
Anaya Kirtane (Year 7) said: “Although I had to leave Cople Fields early I had an amazing time! The walk was fun and was filled with beautiful nature and sights and it was a great way to make amazing memories with my friends. When we arrived, we were welcomed to a whole lot of fun. From activities such as treasure hunts, rounders and dancing it was an amazing experience and was definitely worth the wait.”
Tami Oginni (Year 7) said: “I loved going to Cople Fields, it was a really good experience being able to come away from lessons and be with friends. I really enjoyed playing form rounders, as a class we were able to play with each other on two teams. This activity made us a bond a bit more as a form, the other activity that I enjoyed was the perspective challenge as you were able to go creative as you liked, this was really fun as we were in new groups and were able to enjoy the day with different people, we may not talk to all the time. Overall, I loved the Wellbeing Day experience, and hope we can do it again. Thank you to all the teachers for organising, especially Mrs Cruse and Mrs Lugsden!”