Mrs Copp (Deputy Head, Junior School & Maths Coordinator)
On Thursday, Year 6 had fun applying a variety of skills, from using a pair of compasses, to measuring accurately to draw and label a circle. They worked outside to make larger circles and named all their parts. Can you name 9 parts of a circle?
Within half an hour, the girls were confident in their ability to construct and label the parts of the circle. They are moving straight into constructing and interpreting pie charts as part of their preparation for work on the Year 6 Exhibition, providing statistical data that will provide reasoned evidence to support their work on their chosen global issue. The simple ability to draw an accurate circle will aid accuracy.
Isobel (Year 6) said: “I felt I learned quickly and became knowledgeable about how to construct and label circles by drawing it outside with chalk and labelling it with a group.”