Fuelling Creativity!
Junior School

Mrs Whomsley (Head of Year 5)

It has been wonderful to see Year 5 working in their new classes and making new friends. We have welcomed many new faces to the year group and we have been so impressed with how quickly they have settled into school and their new routines. It has certainly been a busy week!

Over the past few days, we have had lots of fun setting challenges to the girls, such as making crazy glasses from just a few pieces of plain paper in which their imagination shone through in their wonderful designs, whilst also showing resilience and perseverance when their designs did not quite go to plan.

The Year 5 team have been so impressed with the girls’ enthusiasm for learning and kindness shown to their friends both old and new. We are very excited for next week as we embark on our first Unit of Inquiry.

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Fuelling Creativity!