Mrs Jhall (Senior LRC Assistant)
Open Morning offered a wonderful opportunity to welcome visitors back into the Junior School library, and it was with this sense of excitement and enthusiasm the phrase “Reading is my Superpower” was a fitting theme for this year’s event.
Visitors were able to visit our fabulous 'Superhero Photobooth', where children were encouraged to select a book featuring an inspirational, inspiring and world changing figure. An individual who has made a difference or is fighting to change the world, making it a more positive place for us all to live in.
Before the students had their photo taken by their parents at the photobooth, I read out the following inspirational quote:
"Not all Superhero's wear capes and masks. Some superhero's come as Malala Yousafzai, who is a Pakistani activist fighting for female education and is a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate. Or there's 'Greta Thunberg, she is an environmental activist fighting for climate change. Rosa Parks is famous for her Civil Rights Movement and is known for her Montgomery Bus Boycott. Or maybe you are inspired by Katherine Johnson, whose calculations of orbital mechanics helped NASA first travel to the moon. Then there is Tanni-Grey Thompson, with her 'Aim High' motto, she was born with a condition called spina bifida which by the age of seven paralysed her. She is one of the most successful athletes in the UK.”
The booth proved to be really popular and it was so interesting hearing the young voices express why they have selected their book and hear them discuss their views.
The Junior School Library is dedicated to supporting all its pupils by instilling a love of reading and supporting enquiring minds. We hope that our wonderful photobooth highlighted the work that we do. Read, Research, Think and Reflect.