Mrs Greenwood (Lacrosse Coach)
Last week, BGS lacrosse faced some adversity. In high level sport we often discuss ‘controlling the controllable’. It creates routine within a team as well as an individual. There were many things outside of our control for the Putney matches, and yet we came away from the weekend's matches with only positive experiences.
Though Netball regionals left us without 30 lacrosse players spread lacrosse the squads and COVID struck the lacrosse coaches hard, all went ahead. Players who did attend gained invaluable experience playing difficult opponents, how to play with grace, flexibility and determination when scores were not quite as we hoped. We welcomed the return of Mrs Axford (Deputy Head) and Mrs Lombaard (PE Teacher) to Cople to help umpire the U13 and U12 teams. While the overall record for the weekend was four Wins and six Loses, the players reminded themselves that they came together to give their best to their teammates, coaches, and most of all the BGS name. Players remained calm and trusted their coaches.
We called on our community and there was no hesitation to lend a hand to help umpire games, play and come cheer us on. And in the end, that’s really what it means to be a member of BGS, isn’t it? So, forget the score lines and remember that we are all in this together, one community, one team.