Mrs Graves (Head of English)
During the week of World Book Day (3rd March 2022), we asked for donations of good quality books which we would then share with local charities.
We know how important reading is in promoting positive outcomes for young people, and also how special it can feel to have a book of your own. We have been overwhelmed with the generosity shown by our students, staff and wider community, and are thrilled to share that we collected nearly 1,000 books which can now go on to be enjoyed by new readers.
It was lovely to speak with students about the books they were donating, and to see their passion for the stories that shaped their reading experiences. One of the true joys of being a reader is the knowledge that these stories connect us with people who we may never meet, but now have something in common with.
A special thank you goes to Lower Sixth students, Amy Kneller and Jemima Peacock, who helped to organise the collection, and Ms Rogers and Mrs Spong in the LRC for their help in promoting and preparing the donations.