#SupportingBGSLocal, Stalls and Games
Saturday 2nd July sees BGS’ first ever Culture Festival; with so much happening our amazing Sixth Formers have helped organise it all. Having split into groups, each Lower Sixth team focused on different aspects of the day. Two of the areas being our #SupportingBGSLocal initiative and the Activity Stalls.
Our #SupportingBGSLocal initiative, aims to encourage our current students' imagination and entrepreneurial skills. Producing a platform for students to creatively publicise and deliver their small business offerings.
“... I wanted to expand my business to more than just door to door sales. I also wanted to raise awareness for women's aid because no matter what race or ethnicity you are, domestic abuse could happen to anyone…, that is why I am collaborating with them and providing a donation.” (Tia, Year 7)
“I’m really excited to be running a stall with my friend selling handmade things from our small business.” (Anna, Year 7)
“I’m keen on getting involved because I think this will be a fun and interesting experience for me … I love making jewellery with friends and think it would be nice to do it with school too. I’m also glad some profits will go to a good cause.” (Jessie, Year 7)
“I am doing a crochet stall…I want to show people the things that I make and show my talent.” (Sarah, Year 7)
“I’m really looking forward to the Culture Fest because I am eager to promote my business whilst also learning more about the many other fabulous cultures there are around the world.” (Sanvi, Year 9)
View the #SupportingBGSLocal poster for more information here.
The Activity Stalls are a fun and inclusive way to learn more about different cultures, try your luck at winning a few prizes and develop new skills.
“The Culture Festival is a way to involve and engage people to feel more comfortable with their religion and background. In the Culture Fest I am going to be dancing to bharatnatyam (a classical dance) and have board games from Srilanka. The reason I am doing this is so different people from different religions can experience something from my origin. This is all important because I want to show that I care about who I am.” (Sahitya, Year 9)
“... I love being part of the school community and it is amazing that we can all gather together to celebrate the heritage within this group of people! I am really looking forward to the day!” (Rosie, Year 7)
“The first time I heard that BGS was doing a culture fest I was really happy that I had the opportunity to express my Nigerian culture and also my creative jewellery making skills! I am really looking forward to it because it allows people to be proud of their uniqueness, their special skills and talents and also to be proud of where they come from.” (Amaka, Year 9)
View the Activity Stalls poster for more information here.
The Sixth Form leadership group managing these groups have given their reflections on the organisational process, offering a little ‘behind the scenes’ of the big event:
“Being a part of the planning team for the Culture Fest 2022 has been an eye-opening experience as it has shown me the variety of cultures we have in this school and the different ventures taken by other students. I have been able to see the range of talents and passions throughout the school as students are preparing their business stalls. As a member of the leadership team, I have been able to develop my organisation and communication skills, as there is a huge number of students taking part and they need a team of people who can guide them through the task. As well as leading a group, I am also running my own stall and I am so excited to have the opportunity to broadcast the charity business my family runs. As we continue the journey of planning for the culture fest, the excitement is building up and I cannot wait to see the outcome of all our hard work.” (Aafiya, Year 13, Activity Leader of the #SupportingBGSLocal group).