Photo - Izzah's charity stall
We are incredibly proud of Izzah Hussain (Year 7) who delivered an inspiring assembly to Year 7 on Monday June 7th about epilepsy. A condition can affect anyone, at any age, from any walk of life, epilepsy is a condition that affects the brain. When someone has epilepsy, it means they have a tendency to have epileptic seizures.
Mrs Cruse said: “Izzah asked if she could raise awareness of epilepsy with her peers and wanted to talk about her own personal experience and what it is like living with someone with this condition. She also wanted to raise funds for a charity Young Epilepsy which has helped her family. We discussed ways she could do this and Izzah thought wearing a purple accessory would be nice, as it is the international colour for epilepsy and symbolises solitude. This morning, Izzah ran a small stall with a few purple accessories and a guess how many sweets in the jar for Year 7s to visit on the same day as wearing the purple accessory.”
“Izzah’s assembly for Year 7 was very interesting and she should be very proud of herself standing up in front of her whole year group and talking so eloquently.”
Izzah reflected: “I really wanted to talk about young epilepsy as a charity as it is something very close to my heart. I’ve learnt so much about epilepsy since my sister was diagnosed when she was four years old. I think it’s really important to understand how epilepsy can express itself in many different ways. It is also important to understand that epilepsy not only affects you physically but can also affect your mental well-being.
“I firmly believe the more we talk about mental health in schools, the better the support will be for young people. I am so pleased that BGS was able to support me through this journey. I hope all the students found the assembly useful and I enjoyed sharing my experience with my peers at form time. Moving forward, I would like to encourage other students to fundraise for Young Epilepsy and other charities. I look forward to doing more fundraising for young epilepsy in the near future.”
Find out more about epilepsy at Young Epilepsy here.