Mrs Martin (Head of Year 3)
As a School community, the value of kindness is at the heart of all that we do and over the last two weeks, Year 3 pupils have modelled this impeccably:
After an assembly conducted by Mrs Howe last Friday, to commemorate the loss of our beloved Queen Elizabeth II, the girls independently chose to send personal messages of respect on coloured paper petals, which they decided should be arranged into flowers to form a card which we will send off this weekend. It was a poignant moment of reflection and compassion from such young minds.
Whilst learning how to get onto their new iPads and new Apps, the girls showed such gentleness, sharing newly learnt expertise with others and patience and resilience as they have met barriers they knew they had to overcome. We have thought carefully about our Class Agreements; a class ’treaty’ that helps us all to follow mutually agreed guidelines as a way to look after ourselves, our friends and the wider community in the best way possible.
As a finale to the week, the girls were shown a clip called Austin’s Butterfly about the power of specific feedback. We created our own butterflies, practising giving each other specific feedback on how to improve and linked it to friendship and the value of kindness; in allowing our friends to be free to play with lots of people, we feel happy knowing that they will always come back to us.