Connecting with Nature
Junior School

By Mrs Martin (Head of Year 3)

On Friday 13th January, Year 3 spent the day making solid learning connections between nature, art and creativity with Chris Holland, a storyteller, nature connection facilitator and didgeridoo player.

The girls spent the morning listening to stories from other cultures to gain perspective on the contrast between stories and experiences from different cultures. Chris used indigenous artefacts to help the girls gain a global outlook on creation myths and how things came to be.

The girls were then split into two groups to investigate The relationship between nature, expression and creativity. Assisted by Miss Alarcon, each group had the opportunity to work with Chris to create a clay animal using localised flora and fauna to add detail. After creating a piece of land art that their animals could be part of, they retold one of their favourite stories from the morning.

Meanwhile Mrs Thomas and I led the alternate group who worked to explore the origins of Aboriginal art and create their own piece on cloth using organically made paints from the materials found in the school grounds. The excitement of learning outside, and in such an immersive way, was palpable.

This week, we have gone on to look at artists who are inspired by nature in their works and continue to investigate stories from other cultures that, commonly, are inspired by nature. 

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Connecting with Nature