By Miss Coote (Year 4 Teacher) and Mrs Whomsley (Junior School Eco Co-ordinator)
Over the past half term, our Student Voice and Eco representatives have been busy collaborating on a joint book swap initiative.
The girls thought it would be a great way to share their love of reading whilst creating opportunities for their peers to discover exciting new books and foster a lifelong love of reading, with a sustainable focus. They then used their strategy planning skills to organise their event; creating tickets, presentations and posters that were then shared in our Junior School assembly on Monday.
The designated week for dropping off individual donations for the book swap is between Monday 20th February to Friday 24th February. There will be donation boxes out on the JS terrace at break and lunchtime, with Student Voice and Eco representatives there to answer any questions and to give pupils a golden book swap ticket in return!
The week of the book swap itself is Monday 27th February to Friday 3rd March. It will take place in Mrs Whomsley’s classroom (adjacent to the JS Library) and students should bring their golden ticket with them to exchange for an age appropriate book in return.
Any questions about the book swap, please speak to your Student Voice/Eco Representative.