Mrs Whomsley (Head of Year 5)
Last week, Year 5 visited their peers at Bedford Prep School for some Spanish themed activities. As part of this, we took part in a Spanish dance workshop to learn some traditional Spanish dances whilst also practising our language skills. We all enjoyed the energetic nature of the dances and, impressively, each group was able to perform a short dance routine they learnt together. Our other activity was based around map-skills and finding out more about the culture of Spain through collaborating together to research the country and using our knowledge of other countries in Europe.
The day was a wonderful way of developing our communication and problem-solving skills with each other and we all had great fun. In addition to this, it helped us to further our work comparing cultures around us as part of our Unit of Inquiry investigating how our heritage, culture and family provides an insight into how we relate to others.
Sophie (5K) said: “My favourite part of the afternoon was the dance workshop because it taught me some new things about Flamenco dancing. It has lots of upper body movements and it was quite easy to learn but I think we need more practice!”
Alice (5C) added: “I also enjoyed the dance workshop because we got to learn lots of new dances. Spanish dancing is very bouncy and you have to make sure you stick to the beat of the dance otherwise you get lost!”