We are delighted to invite the BGS community to an afternoon of Shakespeare theatre during May followed by the Years 7 and 8 production of Peer during July.
Shakespeare in Spring
Performed by our talented Year 6 cohort, the Shakespeare in Spring plays will be performed in the Junior School Gardens on Tuesday 23rd and Wednesday 24th May, 4:30pm-5:30pm and will be split across the two dates, with form groups performing per afternoon. Tickets are priced at £4 per person, purchase here.
Performance information:
Tuesday 23rd May 2023
6I – Julius Caesar directed by Mrs Horton
6H – Richard III directed by Mrs Lang
Wednesday 24th May 2023
6BR – The Tempest directed by Mrs Horton
6CS – A Midsummer Night’s Dream directed by Mrs Horton
Each performance will start at 4.30pm and will take place in the Junior School Gardens.
The Drama Department is extremely excited to invite the BGS community to our Years 7 and 8 production of Peer on Thursday 6th, Friday 7th and Saturday 8th July.
The play follows the life of Peer, starting as a teenager, through adult-hood and into old age. Peer’s life is extraordinarily exciting! We follow this journey through fantastical adventures from delving into the depths of the Troll King’s mountain palace, travelling Egypt and meeting a talking Sphynx, embarking on a long voyage on a ship only to be shipwrecked and rescued by dolphins…all the while, followed by a mysterious creature called “The Boyg”, although we are never quite sure if it's there to be Peer's guide or something more sinister.
The play is going to be in an ensemble style, so performers are going to have the opportunity to play a variety of different roles. In one scene they might be a villager, in the next, a troll, then on again as a member of a synchronised swimming team… there will be plenty to get our teeth into!
Tickets are priced at £9 and £4 for students, purchase here.