By Mrs Graves (Head of English)
Earlier this year, students in Year 7 were tasked with choosing a text that could be considered a ‘modern classic’ and decorating their door as a cover for the novel. As with previous years, the students have thrown themselves into the task, working collaboratively to create some really interesting displays around the school. A variety of approaches were taken, from 7ACT’s mixed-media design with a textured wave representing Kenzuke’s Kingdom to the classic and beautiful design of 7CCB’s Black Beauty which used a pastel colour palette and floral designs alongside an image of the beloved central equine character.
We are thrilled to announce that the winners are 7KKD, who chose the novel Twilight. Their door included lots of detail which represented the story well, but also the use of the colour scheme and other design features communicated key themes and ideas about the text to the audience skilfully.
All of the classes chose their texts thoughtfully, considering which books they had loved and been influenced by which they also believed would stand the test of time, and we have really enjoyed the splash of lively colour they have brought to the school corridors in recent weeks.
Well done to everyone in Year 7, and we hope that our Year 6 students are already getting their thinking hats on about which text they might choose to re-create next year!