By Miss Kidd (Senior LRC Assistant)
Over the last week, the lunchtime library club have been creating their very own ‘helping hands’. The girls have been drawing around their hands and decorating them with inspirational quotes, ready to pass on to anyone who they think would welcome this thoughtful gift.
The recipient might be a friend in the playground, a Year 11/Upper Sixth student taking their exams or a member of staff. The helping hand is to be passed around to bring cheer and positivity. Once received the hand can then be passed on again, and again so that everyone can experience the gift of kindness.
Tami in Year 9 has been assisting with the project. She has worked with the Junior School girls helping in the creation of their messages, producing wonderful quotes that are both inspiring and joyful.
Jessica (Year 5) said: “I think it’s really nice to do something like this, especially for the Upper Sixth students because it’s like a pat on the back for their hard work.” Whilst one of our Year 3 girls who received a helping hand said they felt “much better” after not knowing quite what to do at break time.
Here at the LRC, we want to say a very big “Good Luck” to all students taking their exams in the next coming weeks and we look forward to watching our helping hands circulate throughout the school.