Enterprise Afternoon
Junior School

By Mrs Thomas (Year 3 Teacher)

As the culmination to our Unit of Inquiry, An inquiry into why Organisations are created to solve problems and support human endeavour and enterprise, Year 3 reaped the rewards from all their planning and preparation with a busy and fun Enterprise afternoon in the Junior School Gardens at the end of last term. 

The girls had been tasked to create and form their own Organisation that would ultimately support the work of our international charity, United World Schools (UWS), a global charity that gives children in remote communities in Cambodia, Nepal, Myanmar and Guatemala access to a quality, inclusive education.

Each group worked collaboratively to assign roles and responsibilities to make their Organisation a success. Some of the roles included: a logo designer, accountant, marketing manager, event organiser and people in charge of making the items to be sold. Letters were written and delivered, posters were created and displayed to advertise and raise awareness of the event and decorations were created to entice customers to visit. Ultimately, each group combined their talents and skills and we were hugely impressed with each group's approach as they worked hard to make their chosen organisation a success.

The afternoon itself was a great success and very well supported by all classes across the Junior School as they enjoyed buying the items on offer, having their nails painted and faces painted and testing their luck with the ‘Dip and Win’ and taking part in the various competitions.

At the end of the afternoon each organisation counted up their takings and we were so impressed with the final amount raised by all £372.98! What a super end to a busy half term’s work! Well done Year 3!

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